Courtesy Emily Fowler Public Library
History of Krum, Texas
This history of Krum has been compiled mostly from personal interviews with various members of the older families of Krum. I would like to express my appreciation for the excellent work of Mrs. Oma Lee Hood and Mrs. Bonnie Cole in assisting me with these personal interviews. We enjoyed each visit into the homes of those interviewed and regret that there was not time to visit with more. We would like to thank each person again for their cooperation in making this history available. We hope that you, the reader, will enjoy this history of Krum, as we enjoyed preparing it. 34
Mrs. Billie Barry
Early Days of Krum
On March 13th, I857, Bounty Warrant #782 was issued by F. P. Brewister, acting Attorney General, granting for the State of Texas 1,920 acres to the heirs of Charles Despallier. This land grant was made to these heirs of Despallier for his services in the battle of the Alamo. Charles Despallier was killed defending the Alamo in the year 1836. A part of this 1,920-acre land grant was later to become the town of Krum. After the land grant, Justin Castino was appointed administrator of the estate of Charles Despallier in order to sell the 1,920 acres at public auction. The land was sold to the highest bidder for a total sum of $40.00.
In 1884 the town site of Krum {although not established as a town site at the time) was bought by L. T. Finley for $10.00 an acre. Finley sold a part of this land to the Santa Fe for construction of the railroad. The town did not originate until 1886, when the railroad was built through the tract. In obtaining land for construction of the railroad, many suits were filed in County Court as to true ownership of the land. In many instances, it cost more to clear the title of the land than the land was actually thought to be worth at the time. As was the case in pioneer days, the coming of the railroad made the town, and Krum, named after the vice president of the railroad, A. R. Krum, began to grow and prosper. Business houses began to spring up; L. T. Finley built the first general merchandising store. The section house and the depot were built, and are still standing. The first depot agent was Mr. L. B. Seaman.
In the early 1900s Krum boasted a general store, blacksmith shop and a gigantic steam operated flour mill. Krum‟s reputation as a wheat market was state wide, and was once considered one of the world's greatest inland wheat shipping centers. The older citizens can recall that one million bushels of wheat was shipped on the G.C. & S.F. Railway in 1900. The wheat raised in the community was so superior in quality, compared to other portions of the state, that it was excluded from grain contests at the Dallas Fair. Grain raised in the rich farming belt was brought to Krum by wagons and bought by the local flourmill and numerous independent buyers for shipment all over the world. Some of the older members of the community remember seeing the many wagons that would crowd the streets at harvest time. They tell of seeing wagons parked side by side in the street for a distance of a half-mile. Most wagons would hold about 3,000 pounds of grain. This amounted to about 50 bushels of wheat, and it usually required two or three men to hold the mules and horses and dump the wheat. Many times the men could not get the wagons unloaded and make the trip home in a day, so they would have to stay overnight and sleep in their wagons.
The flour mill milled an excellent quality of flour, and it taxed the capacity of the mill to produce enough flour to meet the demand. Some of the name brands of flour milled in early 1900 were Rainbow Flour, Big K and White Lily. These products won numerous medals at the fair for their fine quality. The mill was destroyed by fire sometime between 1913 and 1915.
Soon after the turn of the century, B. F. Wilson opened an addition in the south part of town and a building boom was experienced. By this time many other business places had been built and Krum was a thriving town. In 1905 the Town Platt of Krum was prepared by Thomas King, engineer, and was certified by the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway. 35
Dr. Gose had moved to Krum in 1898, and had his office and a drug store combined on the lot just west of the old bank building. June Benton had a livery stable, Chadwell‟s had built a large frame hotel on the lot where the Lamm grocery now stands. The drummers would come into town by train, unload huge suitcases and trunks loaded with merchandise for the various stores. They would rent a room in the hotel, and the merchants would call on them there to select the merchandise for their stores.
In 1905, a branch of the Continental Bank and Trust Co. was established here with banking quarters in a part of the R. L. Cole warehouse. Later the bank built the community‟s first brick building. In 1909, Dr. A. H. Knox organized the First State Bank, which later was consolidated with the Continental and named the Farmers and Merchants State Bank, which still exists today.
Stories of a Few Older Families of Krum
Doctor J. C. Gose
This old settler of Krum was born in Sullivan County, Missouri on April 30th, 1858. When he was one year old his family moved to Denton County, stayed two years and then moved to Wise County and lived near Decatur all through his boyhood. He was educated in the Decatur school.
The lad‟s father was a blacksmith in Decatur for ten years, and the boy blew the bellows and used the sledge hammer when he was twelve and thirteen years old. At that time the Indians were very bad at Decatur, and the twelve-year-old carried a pistol to fight with in event of Indian attack. He said "I was afraid to stick my head out at night for fear an Indian might get me." He recalled that on two occasions the Indians stole his father‟s horses that were not more than 20 feet from the house.
After he finished high school in Decatur, he taught school in Wise County for four or five years. At that time there were first, second and third grade teaching certificates, and he was one of the first three in the county to hold a first grade certificate. In 1884, while he was still teaching school, he married a Decatur girl. They had one son born to them, S. P. Gose, now of Krum.
After teaching school for years at the salary of $30.00 per month, he saved up enough money to go to medical school at St. Louis, Missouri. While he was attending school there, his wife gave art lessons in St. Louis. Mrs. Dr. Gose painted many pictures. Some of these pictures are in her son‟s home in Krum at present.
Dr. and Mrs. Gose came to Krum on April 27th, 1898, where he put up a drug store and office, and he worked in that capacity for twenty years. Later he was postmaster under the term of President Wilson. Dr. Gose began practicing medicine first at Electra, in Wichita County, Texas. He practiced medicine actively for a little over fifty years. 36
The following poem was written by Lometa McBee, daughter of Major and Mabel McBee of Krum, about the beloved doctor.
There‟s a grand old gentleman
That‟s aged and worn,
With a soul full of sympathy
For hearts that are torn.
His hands are all shaky
From years of hard toil,
And his body is bended
With work that won't spoil.
He cranks his old Ford,
And drives down the road,
Like an angel descending
To lighten one's load.
God up in Heaven
On that great Judgment day,
Will care for the Doctor
In the same gentle way.
The old Ford mentioned in the poem was one of the first cars to be owned in Krum, and most everyone can remember the doctor and his Ford.
Dr. Gose was the last doctor that Krum had, and he passed away on April 10, 1945 near the age of seventy-seven. He was a great citizen, and he and Mrs. Gose were noted for the kindness bestowed on the children of the town. It is also remembered that when Denton observed their 75th anniversary, Dr. and Mrs. Gose participated in the parade. They rode in a buggy around the square in the parade. A sign on the buggy read: Dr. Sawbones and his nurse!
Herman Barthold
Mr. Herman Barthold came to Dallas by train from Springfield, Illinois in 1877 with his parents. They stayed in Dallas for one year. In 1878 the family left Dallas and came across the prairie, cutting their way through briar and underbrush to reach Hickory Creek. A total of five days was spent on the trip from Dallas to their new home on the 280-acre strip east of Krum.
Mr. Barthold recalls the train service in Krum around 1887 was very good. He said that they had about four trains a day. Old 44 was the biggest engine and it went north. It couldn't pull more than 15 to 17 cars, none of them loaded. It made about 20 miles per hour.
Mr. Barthold still lives on his farm east of Krum, and is probably one of the oldest citizens of the community. 37
John Henry Koiner
Mr. John Henry Koiner came to McKinney, then on to Denton from Illinois at the age of nine, in 1866. In 1844 (sic), he bought the land north of Krum, which is now the home of his son H. P. Koiner. In 1895 and 1896, John Henry Koiner helped haul rocks by wagon from the Ganzer place to be used in the construction of the new Denton County Courthouse. Mr. Koiner also gave the ground for the Hawkeye School to use as long as it was situated there. Mr. Koiner was an old resident of the community and passed away in 1911.
Mr. C. A. Davis
Another of the old timers of the community was Mr. C. A. Davis. He settled here with his parents in 1881, about 2 1/2 miles northeast of Krum on a three-corner strip of land. Mr. Davis was once a bookkeeper at the steam operated flourmill in Krum. He also helped in hauling the rock for the Denton County Courthouse.
Mrs. C. R. Fowler
Although not so old, Mrs. C. R. Fowler has lived east of Krum since she was three years old. She was born near Denton, near where the Sockwell filling station now is. Mr. Fowler came to Krum in 1913 from Denton. Their son F. W. Fowler is the present Mayor of Krum.
Mr. Ralph Cole
Mr. Ralph Cole came to Denton County as a boy with his parents in 1882. There was no such place as Krum at that time. The country was thinly populated and covered with long horn cattle. Each person had his own brand of cattle and the rights of others were respected. As a boy Mr. Cole lived with his parents on the farm south across from the Riley's farm. A part of the house was of log construction . In 1905, Mr. Cole opened his business house, which was located on the lot where the first business house in Krum had stood. The Cole Grain Company milled flour for some years, and during World War I shipped flour all over the world. The grain company also prepared their own brand feed. During the grain harvest time the company bought millions of bushels of grain. Mr. Cole was admired by almost all of the farmers in the community. After his death, the mill was operated by his son Weldon Cole for the Cole Estate. The company operated a coal market up until a few years ago.
Krum Doctors
Throughout the years Krum has had some very fine doctors. Dr. S. R. Carlton was one of the older physicians of Krum. He graduated from the medical department of Vanderbilt University in 1884, and continued as an active practitioner of his profession until his death on August 8, 1924, the day the community building was opened. 38
Other doctors to serve Krum were Dr. W. C. Kimbrough, Dr. W. G. Kimbrough, Dr. Hayes and Dr. Gose.
I. E. Gibbins
B. L. Gibbins, father of C. C. Gibbins, and grandfather of Virgil Gibbins built two brick buildings in Krum in approximately 1904, where Joe Bishop's cow barn now is. He ran a grocery store in one building and a furniture store in the other. C. C. Gibbins came to Krum with his family in 1906 from Poolville. C. C. Gibbins worked in the store with his father. C. C. later went into the grocery business with H. F. Lamm, father of Homer and Ed Lamm in the building where the washateria is now located. C. C. Gibbins and H. F. Lamm went together in 1912 and built the building where the Lamm grocery is at present. Gibbins sold out to Lamm and went to the farm. Virgil, who still lives in Krum can remember that it took four mules to the wagon to pull the load of furniture over the mud roads in making the move to the farm.
C. C. Cofer
The C. C. Cofer family is one of the older families of Krum. Mr. C. C. Cofer was a minister of The Church of Christ, and traveled over the country in a buggy. He was the first Krum postmaster, and a very learned person. He wrote several books in his lifetime.
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Nail
Mrs. Nail was one of the daughters of J. W. Black, and came to Krum in 1886. They settled 1/2 mile west of Krum on the farm where McFarlins now live. Mrs. Nail remembers that people hauled water from the creek on their place, as there were no deep wells at this time. Mr. Nail came to Krum in the year 1891. He and Mrs. Nail still live in the city today.
Some other of the older citizens who have lived in Krum for many years are Mrs. Maude Black Evans, Mrs. Molly Batis Rucker, Mrs. Emma Evans McGee, Mrs. Bessie Wilson Park and Mrs. Eleanor Williard Bruce.
In 1901 the first school building was built which was a one-room frame structure. The first board of trustees was set up at once. Two long remembered trustees were June Benton and George Evans, father of Mrs. J. A. Stone. In a few years, the school was enlarged to three rooms. In 1910, the brick school building that now houses the elementary school was built. The high school building was built in the middle thirties. It originally housed the gymnasium, which also served as an auditorium for the school.
In 1955 the citizens voted a bond issue for construction of a new gymnasium and to remodel the old elementary building. The old gymnasium was converted to a beautiful auditorium, and two modern classrooms were built. The school has the following departments; English, Science, Vocational Agriculture, Vocational Homemaking, Mathematics, Physical Education and History and Government. We have a complete library, school lunchroom and Student Council. 39
The Krum Parent-Teachers Association was organized October 6th, 1944. Attendance has grown from 20 to 150 or more. The association became a member of the State organization in January 1948. They also belong to the National Association. during the years the P.T.A. has done many useful things for the school. Some of the projects have been to help pay for school buses, purchase of audio-visual equipment, modern classroom furniture for the first four grades, improvement of vocational shop, new kitchen equipment and draperies for the homemaking room, curtains for the stage, addition of literary and reference books to the library, basketball suits for the girls and Venetian blinds for the new auditorium and many other smaller projects. Funds for these projects have been raised by sponsoring the Halloween Carnival, ice cream suppers, chili suppers, ball games, Christmas and Thanksgiving banquets and style shows.
Mrs. B. F. Copp is now serving as president of the P.T.A. Mrs. Henry Ross served as the first president, serving the years 1944-1945. Other presidents and the years served are: Mrs. W. J. Medlin 1945-1947, Mrs. August Schluter 1947-1949, Mrs. Jack Parkey 1949-1952, Mrs. A. J. McClure 1952-1954 and Mrs. August Schluter 1954-1956.
Sports in which the school participates are basketball, baseball, track and tennis. In the earlier days, baseball seemed to be the favorite sport and it is still played. However, in the past few years, basketball has held more interest in the community, and Krum has produced some very fine basketball teams.
Krum now has one of the most modern school plants in Denton County and is one that the citizens of the town and community can point to with pride.
Plainview School
Although no longer in operation, the Plainview Community, west of Krum once had a very nice school. In 1921 the following item pertaining to the school was published: It is planned to begin the erection of a new brick school building in the Plainview District in early June. The building is to be built at a cost of approximately $8,000.00. This building was built, and school taught there for many years. Later it consolidated with the Krum School, and the building was torn down.
Hawkeye School
The Hawkeye District was located approximately five miles north of Krum. According to some of the citizens of the community, the Hawkeye School was built in the year 1887. Charter members of the board of trustees were H. P. Koiner and J. M. Lindley. Mr. John Henry Koiner loaned the land for the school for as long as needed. Thomas Angleman from Illinois was the first teacher at the school. This school was eventually consolidated with the Krum school.
The Church of Christ History submitted from letter written to Mrs. Oma Lee Hood by Mrs. Eunice McGee Barnett, and some information obtained from Mrs. Vessie Gose, Krum. 40
The Church of Christ at Krum is an offspring of the Church at Bolivar. John Jones was an elder at the Bolivar Church, and had been there since he came to Texas in 1876. When the schoolhouse was built in Krum, the elder from Bolivar decided it would be best and more convenient for him to take all the members that lived south of Clear Creek and form a congregation at Krum. This was done in 1893. Some of the families that Mrs. McGee Barnett remembers as first members of the church were: Elder and Mrs. John Jones, Jack Jones, Rance Jones, Reuben and Jennie McGee and family, Oscar and Sydda Chism, C. C. and Bessie Cofer, Minter Hutchinson, Will and Emma Koiner, John and Nettie Koiner, John and Belle Finley, Mr. and Mrs. Southern, Mrs. Cole, mother of R. L. Cole, later the Andrew McClisters and Silas Koiner. Silas Koiner served as an elder in the twenties.
We first met at three o'clock in the one room school house. The Methodist Church met at ten and we alternated Sundays having preaching. Among the early day preachers were; Bros. C. C. Cofer, D. S. Legion, Alsup, Savage, C. R. Nichols, Reynolds, Billy Wolfrum, W. H. Moore and Roy Lanier. The Church house was built in the summer of 1900. I think the reason they built it on the hill was because the town was expected to grow to the north, but grew to the south instead. It was several years later that the oak pews were put in. The school used the building for two years as a primary school and Miss Judith Shifflett taught the class. Will Koiner always looked after the church yards, and one August the grass fire got away from him and the high winds carried it to the church. It was a most peculiar fire, for all the outside burned off before the roof fell in. Before the fire was out, men began putting money in the hands of the elders and deacons, and after the house was rebuilt there was more money in the bank than before, and not one person was ask to contribute a thing.
Katie Chism Dodges was the last person to be buried from the old church. Twice I set out trees along the side walks, and most of what is there and at the school house, I put out. I began teaching the card class in the church when I was fifteen, and taught for forty nine years. As my children grew, I advanced.
The Church of Christ today has a very nice Church building with an annex for Sunday School rooms. The approximate active membership is 73. Their present pastor is Brother Joe Ratcliff.
Krum Baptist Church
The Krum Baptist Church, once called North Hickory Creek Baptist Church, was organized in the winter of 1882. The first pastor was R. L. Borum followed by J. A. Moore and J. T. Jenkins. In 1886 the church was moved some three miles southeast down Hickory Creek into a new church house, and remained there until 1891. The Church was finally moved to Krum and was first situated on the southeast corner of the school ground. {A lumber yard was then on the present site of the Baptist Church, and was run by Tom Lamonica). Later the church was moved across the street to its present location. The W.M.U. was organized in 1911, and is still active. The B.Y.T.U. was organized in 1922 and is also still active. The church added a brick educational building in 1952, at a cost of approximately $10,000.00, and the indebtedness assumed when this building was built was paid in full in early 1955. The church also has a very nice modern parsonage for their pastor. The Reverend Billy Baggett is the pastor at the present. 41
Methodist Church
The Methodist Church first held their church sessions in the one room school house and shared it with The Church of Christ. Later the first Church building was built on the corner across from the school grounds, where Mr.& Mrs. Boaz now live .Then they built the basement on the corner where the church now stands. For several years they used the basement for services, later building the second story. The church has been redecorated recently, and is very modern and beautiful inside. They have the M.Y.F. and Woman‟s Society of Christian Service. The Church has a very fine choir under the direction of Mrs. M. F. Thrift. Mrs. Dorothy McClister presented the church with the organ in memory of her husband Walter W. McClister. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest P. Radecke and daughter Ernestine gave the piano in memory of their son and brother Marion Wallace Radecke, who was killed in the Korean conflict.
The church has membership of approximately 200, and the preacher at present is Brother Milton Jochetz, who, with his family, lives in the parsonage provided by the church.
Presbyterian Church
The Presbyterian Church of Krum was organized on the 29th day of June, 1901. There were eighteen members as follows: J. B. Benton and wife, W. G. Kimbrough and wife, Henry Lowe and wife, F. L. Nichols and wife, W. C. Rutledge, J. F. Boyd, V. A. Cruse, John Miller and John Miller, Jr. F. L. Nichols was Deacon.
On or about 1910 a new brick church building was erected on the lot just west of the Morris Motor Co., and the church was conducted there until about 1935, when the building was sold. The building was later torn down, and has not been rebuilt in Krum. Before the church was built, services were held in the Methodist Church. At one time the church had over 100 members, and was a vital force in our community, and was a successful and prosperous church.
Plainview Church
The Plainview Baptist Church was organized in April 1894, in a one room school house. The Rev. S. G. Christal was the first pastor. The first W.M.U. was organized in 1914, and the Young People in 1927. In 1898 Plainview Cemetery land of two acres was purchased from J. K. Walker, and Mr. J. K. Walker was the first to be buried there. Six acres of land were donated by Mrs. G. H. Fletcher in 1907 for the parsonage to be built on. The church is a very nice community church today, and they have a modern parsonage for their pastor, Clifford Alford.
The first post office in Krum was housed in Grandpa Finley's Store. The store housed almost everything else as well, and must have been typical of the ones seen in western movies of today. The first postmaster was Mr. C. C. Cofer. Some of the others were Mr. N. C, Nail, who served as postmaster for a total of 23 years, although not in succession. Morris Ferrell, the present postmaster has held the position for several years. 42
Mr. W. F. Clevenger was one of the rural carriers back in 1907, and the following account tells of some of his experiences. This article was taken from one of the Krum papers, and was written by Mr. Clevenger himself.
Thursday November 15, 1917 we will have been doing business together as patron and carrier for ten years. During that time many changes have passed before us. Many have moved away, and a number of births and marriages have taken place, some few of us have died, and a number of new faces have come amongst us, but a few of the old ones are still here. This carrier has traveled during these ten years about 83,650 miles, more than three times around the world. He has used thirteen horses, four buggies, one mail hack and five automobiles. He started at a salary of $42.00 per month and now gets $100.00. The first month he handled 1265 pieces of mail, and during October 1917, 9091. This gives you some idea of the business we have done together and we hope and trust that our business and relations may continue to grow in the next ten years as it has in the past.
The following and families have been with us since the establishment of the route: John Miller, Mr. C. R. Fowler, D. W. Koiner, J. L. Monschke (Monsche), G. A. Monschke (Monsche), W. M. Grabbe, Fred Barthold, T. E. Redman, C. Wolf, G. E. Evans, W. D. Smith, J. W. Hunt, J. M. Barnett, John H. Miller, P.R. Rue, H. Dugan, A. O. Hudgins, H. Blankenmyer, C. P. Couser and H. R. Park.
Krum today has only one carrier on the route, Mr. V. E. Gibbins of Krum, and he has had this route for several years.
The first water system of Krum, apart from the cistern, was rolling barrels. The water was obtained from a well that is located under the Farmers and Merchants State Bank. The well had a windmill and overhead tank. The barrels were filled with water and taken to each house.
The system was somewhat improved by a man named Stallings. He installed the first system with pipes. These pipes just went partially from house to house, but were an improvement over the rolling barrel system. He pumped the water from the well with a mill run by a gasoline engine pump.
Stallings sold the system to Baker, and Baker did some improving. He soon sold to K. Sprouse. Sprouse put in the first light plant in connection with the water works. He later sold the water system to Sam McFall, and the light system to Texas Power and Light Company. Sam McFall improved on the system some before selling to Sun Utility Co. Gose and Ridenour bought the system in 1950. In 1954 they improved the system considerably by digging a well to the Trinity, the first of its kind in Krum, and installing new pumps and equipment. This system is serving the town with water at present, with the exception of the east side of town, which is serviced by the well owned by Joe Bishop.
Texas Power and Light Company still serves the town with electricity. Butane gas is used in most of the homes and businesses for heating purposes. 43
Krum once had a brass band under the direction of W. F. Clevenger. The band traveled to many places to entertain, as well as playing for the local affairs. The bandstand was erected in the middle of the street between Lamm grocery and the Muncy building. Concerts were held each Tuesday night. Some of the band members were: A. F. (Rusty) Lindley, and Tom Lindley, drummers, O. J. Chism, bass, Clevenger, baritone, S. P. Gose, lead coronet, Jimmy Wright, Dee Baker, John Dean, Oran Taylor and others.
During the years when Krum was the central trading center for the community the town had its own newspaper. In 1905 The Enterprise was edited and published by W. F. Clevenger. In 1921 The Optimist was published by W. G. Huey, and in 1925 The Krum Sentinel was published by Wardo Fouts. Two other papers were published here; The Harbinger, edited by Miss Johnnie Cofer, and The Krum Banner, published by Bailey Publishing Company in 1921. The following items were taken from some of the old papers.
In 1903, one hundred and sixty pupils were enrolled in the three-room schoolhouse. In 1921 Krum Banner advertised haircuts for $.25, and shave for $.15. In 1914 the General Merchandising store advertised 6 pounds of coffee for $1.00, 10 pound bucket of Arm & Hammer soda for $.45, overalls for $.85 a pair, and pin stripe pants for $.75. Land that a few years ago sold for $20.00 an acre is now going for $50.00, and going fast.
From the scrapbook of J. 0. McClister, Sr., we found a newspaper account of what seems to have been the largest crowd ever assembled at Krum. More than 2,500 people gathered in Krum on Saturday to help the citizens celebrate their opening of their community auditorium, which has just been completed. The town was decorated with flags and streamers. Various entertainment features, from airplane stunts to a baseball game were staged. The auditorium occupies the entire second story of a $10,000.00 brick building on the main street of the town, which was built by 0. C. Muncy. (This is now known as the McClister building). The lower story is to be used as a garage. Because the people had no place to meet, the Commerce Club of which R. L. Cole is president, and Clarence Fowler secretary, leased the upper story of the building for five years. The rental price for the five years is said to be $3,500.00.
The crowds began gathering at 9 AM and wagons, buggies, and cars continued to arrive until late afternoon. All the streets were jammed with parked automobiles and the sidewalks full of people. At 10:30 AM an airplane flew over and dropped $50.00 in checks made payable to the "bearer". There was a mad scramble for the money. At noon a chicken dinner with all the trimmings was served in the garage section of the building. Music was furnished by 44
the Municipal Band of Denton and the Krum String Band gave several concerts. After the dinner, Judge John Speer made an address in the new auditorium. His subject was "The Community Spirit". Following Speers address, several horse races were staged in the street. The first races were made up of boy riders and the five entries were Wayne Hare, Ross Carter, Allen Bridges, Ralph Couser, and Roy Barnett. Wayne Hare took first place. A race for Shetland ponies ridden by small girls, with three entries Rachel Thomas, Joe Morris and Emma Barthold was won by Rachel Thomas. Only two men, Bill Barnett and Elton Elliott entered the cowboy race, won by Barnett.
The final feature of entertainment was a baseball game between the teams of Slidell and Krum. The game was won by the home team by a score of 8 to 4.
It had been announced that Barry Miller would speak at Krum at 3 PM in the interest of his campaign for Lieutenant Governor, and that J. W. Sullivan would speak in behalf of W. C. Edward's candidacy for the same office. Miller did not arrive however, and Sullivan decided after reaching Krum that he would not speak as the larger part of the crowd had left the auditorium to attend the ball game. Obviously there were many ball fans present.
Many years ago, Krum had a rather daring bank robbery. It seems that two bandits wearing vivid green hoods and brandishing a pair of six shooters entered the bank and covered the officials and looted the institution of $3,100.00 in cash and $1,550.00 in negotiable bonds at 3:50 P.M. on a Tuesday afternoon. A number of people were on the streets, when ten minutes before closing time a dust covered Cadillac touring car drove in from the north and stopped beside the bank. Citizens watched in amazement as the hooded bandits with pistols drawn entered the bank. The robbers got the loot, and hastily fled the bank, entered the car, turned around and left town going north. Fred Barnett, seeing the robbers enter bank, ran from his filling station across the street to his home a short distance away, secured his pistol just as the robbers were making their getaway. He opened fire on them, but to no avail.
It was later proved that Yancey Story and his gang had staged the robbery, and most of the money and securities were recovered.
Krum has had many disastrous fires in the years. The loss of the steam-operated mill in the period of from 1912 to 1915, was probably the greatest loss. However, at different times the entire north and south side of the business section has been destroyed by fire. Most of the original frame business structures were destroyed by fire, except for four or five. One two-room frame store building that was left in the town is now a part of the house where Dean Banks lives. The last destructive fire, and the greatest loss to the town in some time, was in September, 1956, when the R. L. Cole Grain Co. building burned .
The following story is one taken from a newspaper clipping found in the scrapbook of J. 0. McClister, Sr., written by Mr. McClister after the fire 45 in Krum in 1907 that burned the entire north side of the street, including Mr. McClister's general store.
I have been in business in Krum for about 30 years, and have had many experiences, I came here and told the bunch that I wanted to go into business. They offered to sell me a business, but it took more money than I had so I bought a lot and started to build me a building. It was a structure 20 x 40. Joe Koonce and William Ginn and a bunch of other boys were buying wheat and playing dominoes. Koonce came down one morning and looked at my foundation and said, "Huh, I told you fellers that that feller wouldn't build any house, and now you see that he is not building anything.” However, I built the shack and added on to it. Then I added some more until I had a lot of building all over the lot.
On Christmas Eve in 1907 a bunch of folks had been to a Christmas tree and came back by my store. I was something of a fiddler. They persuaded me to play “Arkansas Traveler” for them. I was playing away when somebody said there was a fire. I laid down that fiddle and went out to look, and the building next door to my place was afire and flames were lapping up the side of my place. I ran back into the store and told the gang that the place was on fire. Floyd Curtsinger was about the oldest man in the place and he took charge. “Now don't you fellows get excited, but get busy and carry out these goods. Carry them carefully and you can save all the goods in this house.” As he talked he was taking shoes out of the shelves and placing them on the counter. When the counter was loaded, they took it up and carried it out. They carried out all of my merchandise, and even carried off the front doors. W. H. Knight is using the front doors of that store in an outbuilding right now. They covered the street and all the back lot with my stock and that of other merchants. When the fire was over, most of the town had burned, we had to unscramble our merchandise. Some rather funny things happened. I had a new barrel of syrup in a side room. The bunch concluded to save it and took out the pump that was in the barrel, then they started to roll it out when somehow it gave a lurch, and it covered Joe Oates all over with molasses on his new Christmas clothes.
Nero fiddled while Rome burned, according to history, but I stopped fiddling when my store burned and have never fiddled since."
Mr. J. 0. McClister, Sr.
Mr. J. 0. McClister, Sr., was one of the early day merchants. He ran a dry goods and grocery store combined. He later sold out the grocery stock to H. F. Lamm. He retained the dry goods store, and ran it until his death, when it was taken over by his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wilkins. Mr. McClister was the father of the late Walter McClister, who along with his wife Dorothy ran the McClister Motor Company in the building formerly known as the Muncy Building. Walter was a good citizen, and his death was a great loss to the town.
The little branch that runs east of the Santa Fe tracks got its name "The River of Jordon" in an unusual way. A gentleman of unsteady gait and his companion were wending their way home in the east part of town. At the bank of the little stream he stopped and said, "I think I'll baptize myself in the River of Jordon.” He jumped into the stream, and they pulled him out 46
perhaps a little more sober and wise. That's the way the "River of Jordon" got its name.
0. A. Graham, a former resident of Krum owned a sports car that was equipped with horns that played off of the exhaust, and had the sound of an organ. The horns played two tunes, "Home Sweet Home", and “Nearer My God to Thee". The citizens would hear the familiar tunes as the car came into town, and would say that 0. A. had made it home safely again.
Cold Weather
While this is not a humorous story, It is one of interest. The coldest weather remembered here was on Feb. 11, 12 and 13, 1899. Temperatures ranged throughout North Texas from 6 to 18 degrees below zero. A number of surface wells froze over. Where the bank now stands was a general store, owned and operated by R. C. Scripture. Mrs. Brandenberger, mother of Ed Brandenberger. drove into town in a cart from her home in the Plainview Community to get some groceries. She was so cold when she got to town that she couldn't get out of the cart. The men had to carry her from the cart into the store. After she had warmed a while, she collected her groceries, got into the cart and returned to her home.
Baseball Happy
The school used to play a lot of baseball, and the teams would go to Sanger by wagon, and to Ponder by train to play. Virgil Gibbins told of going to Ponder one day and after the game was over they were all waiting for the train to come. In front of the hotel where they waited was a deep bar ditch, and a plank across it to go to the street. The train whistle blew, and Virgil and some other boys made the run to catch the train, and in crossing the plank fell into the bar ditch. They caught the train all right, and came on to Krum with their spirits as well as their clothing dampened.
The K.Y.C.C. had their first meeting July 4, 1954, with about fifteen boys present. This meeting grew from a group of boys sitting up town one night, when someone came up with the idea that we needed some sort of recreation center to help keep the teenagers off the streets at night. We decided to combine our efforts and see if we could not come up with an answer to this problem. At the first meeting we elected officers and talked over what could be done about getting this recreation center built. Officers for the first year were: President - Ralph L.(Buddy) Cole, Vice President - Bill Cofer, Secretary-Loman Park and Treasurer-Bennie Ennis.
Money for the material for the K.Y.C.C. building was donated by merchants and people of the town and community. We also raised some money by sponsoring a barbecue and by the sale of the community birthday calendars. Money for the roof alone was donated by the Women's Progressive Club. Some of the money for the floor was donated by the Hawkeye Home Demonstration Club.
Our building is not complete yet, as we still need about half of the flooring, and a few other items. The land for the building was donated to the K.Y.C.C. by Joe Kimbrough of Denton and Hazen Armstrong of the Bolivar 47
Community. Our building is on the three acre tract, located on the east edge of Krum. The building is a concrete structure.
In the period of from July 1955 to July 1956 the following were the elected officers. President - Bill Cofer, Vice-President - Bennie Ennis, Secretary Don Odneal and Treasurer - Bobby Boaz. For the year July 1956 to July 1957 we have the present officers: President - Bill Cofer, Vice-President – Bennie Ennis, Secretary - Larry Ennis and Treasurer - Ronald Chism. At the present there are 22 active members and 14 inactive members.
Editors note - The above story was submitted by Milton Cofer for the Krum Young Citizen's Club.
The Krum Lion's Club was organized in August 1953. Charter night was held October 2, 1953 with 33 charter members. The following officers were elected for the first year: R. C. Cole, President, John Morris, lst Vice President, M. E. Holley, 2nd. Vice President, Jack Parkey, 3rd Vice President, Paul Muncy, Secretary Treasurer, A. F. Lindley, Lion Tamer, Jack Buckley, Tail Twister, W. W. Cole, F. W. Fowler, W. R. Ginnings and George Piott, directors.
In November 1953 the Lion's Club purchased and installed a new water valve at the Krum Water Work's, whereby two fire trucks could be filled with water at the same time, and in less time than it originally took to fill one truck. This greatly increased the effectiveness of our fire Department.
In March 1954 the Lion's Club arranged for 24 streetlights to be installed in the business district and residential area, especially around the school and the three churches of Krum.
In November 1954 the Club held a broom and mop sale. These products being made by the blind. The club turned out in full strength and netted for the club about $120.00.
Also in November 1954, the Club changes its meeting place and time to noon at the Krum school house, where arrangements had been made to have the Home-Economics girls to prepare and serve lunch.
In January 1955 the Club installed an outdoor basketball court in the school yard in order that more practice could by had by those who wished on days when the gym was not open.
In February 1955 the Club voted to work with the Krum school in sight conservation, and to furnish aid to any child who was unable to purchase glasses. In March,1955 the Club voted to sponsor a local Boy Scout Troop. In October 1955 the Club voted to sponsor a 5-year crop improvement plan for the FFA Club. In May 1956, the club appointed a committee of five to look into the forming of a LITTLE LEAGUE baseball players. In October, 1956, the Club acted as co-sponsor with Mrs. August Schluter in the United Fund Drive.
In December 1956, the Club acted to assist three deserving families in the Krum area with food and clothing as a Christmas present. 48
In February 1957, the Club sponsored a basketball game between the ARKANSAS TRAVELERS, a team or girl players, and the Denton County Boys League. This netted the club around $200.00, which will be used in various activities, which will benefit the people who live in and around Krum.
Besides the activities mentioned, the Krum Lion's Club is a member or the "Texas Lion's League for Crippled Children” at Kerrville, Texas. Last year they sent two children from the Krum area to this camp at Kerrville for two weeks, and they expect to do the same each year.
Editors Note - The above story on the Krum Lions Club was submitted by Mr. B. T. Brown.
Krum became an incorporated city after an election on November 16th, 1954, when citizens voted 75 to 13 in favor of incorporation.
On Tuesday, January 4th, 1955, the city elected F. W. Fowler Mayor, and five Aldermen - Mrs. R. L. Cole, Raymond H. Ericson, D. F. Jackson, C. C. Wilkins and T. C. Barry. John Gray was elected City Marshall, and V. E. Gibbins was appointed to serve as Secretary-treasurer.
Mrs. Dorothy McClister was very instrumental in getting the movement for incorporation started.
Since the incorporation, many things have been accomplished. The City took over the street lights, paying for the electricity from the tax money. They have added additional street lights. A city dump was purchased, and we now have garbage collection service twice monthly, thereby eliminating the menace of trash dumped on the roadsides and in the farmer‟s fields. The council members along with the Mayor worked toward securing the right of way within the city limits for the construction of farm road 1173 East, thereby securing paved roads into the town from each direction.
The next major improvement to be made is the paving of the streets around the school and all three churches. This work has been started, and is to be completed as soon as weather permits. This will do much to add to the attractiveness of the town, and be of great benefit to all citizens.
The City Council holds open meeting on the first Tuesday of each month.