Selwyn School Complex - 3333 W. University Drive
In the mid-nineteen sixties, Ford designed several buildings for Selwyn School and helped to develop a master plan for the campus. The Preston House, a girls dorm, was built in 1965; the Kramer Building and the Moody Dining Hall, in 1966

Fairhaven Retirement Home
Ford, Arch Swank, and Roland Laney designed this retirement home from 1963 to 1965.

An artist's rendering of Fairhaven as proposed.
The Gazebo - U.N.T. Campus - Hickory at Avenue "A"

The Gazebo at U.N.T. , designed by Ford and constructed with assistance from Evers Hardware Store, was a gift to the school by the Class of 1928. Until 1967, this campus landmark housed a massive concrete-block water fountain. Lynn Ford participated in the construction of this project and his mark can be seen in the carved timbers and the hub-spoke rafters

The Gazebo in 1939

Wrought-iron detail