Senator William H. Allen
A biographical profile of the Reverend William Allen, former State Senator and the author of "The Life and Times of Captain John B. Denton." Rev. Allen is also the author of the oddly titled book, "Erudia, the Foreign Missionary to Our World: or the dream of Orphanos." Rev. Allen died August 12, 1908. WILLIAM ALLEN - from files of Mazie (Mayer) Bickler (d. of Sarah Inez (Kealy) Mayer)
Senator William Allen is a native of Barren County, Kentucky. The name of the county is not typical of the nature of the soil, for it produces grand men and magnificent woods of beech trees. He was born March 18, 1835. He was educated in his native State, and had the advantage of a literary and scientific training in the regular college curriculum. His early life was devoted to teaching and authorship. He is author of "Five Years in the West" and a MS copy of "The South No Dishonored Realm," and he has also been a contributor to the leading magazines. In 1860, Senator Allen became a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and now fills the honorable and useful position of trustee of the Southwestern University, under the charge of the Methodist Conference; he was a delegate to the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South of 1882, and other important ecclesiastical positions. He is also a member of the order of Ancient and Accepted Lodge of Free Masons.
Like Bishop Polk, Rev. Dr. Pentleton and other Southern ministers, when the alarm sounded in 1861, and volunteers were called for to defend the homes and sovereign autonomy of the Southern States, Mr. Allen laid aside his peaceful garments and shouldered his musket, following the fortunes of the gallant General Dick Taylor for two years, when believing he could be of more service as a chaplain he accepted that position and commanded a wide influence by preaching the word and gospel of Christ in his "daily walk and conversation," in which capacity he served his country and his God until peace spread her white wings over the land. Mr. Allen has also been for many years a farmer and stockraiser, and believes it to be gospel to be "diligent in business."
He first became known in politics as the Senator for the Seventeenth Senatorial district, composed of the counties of Collin and Denton, to which he was elected by a majority of one thousand and fifty votes. It goes without saying that he is a Jeffersonian Democrat of the real old kind, devoted to the progress and development of his adopted State, materially, morally and intellectually, to which he is devoting his fine and trained abilities. Perhaps no man ever sat in the Senate of Texas for whom his fellow members and those who know him have a more profound respect and trust, both for his purity of life and character, and judgment and ability as a legislator. Senator Allen has in course of transcription a copy of a book written by him which he proposes to publish.